Get ready to coordinate/participate/attend these events.
21 February, Friday,
Dhempe College auditorium, Miramar, 11.30 am
1. Commemoration of International Mother’s Language Day
2. Intercollege Debate Contest
3. Musical event- Sur ek, Bhasha anek
RSVP: 9765260820
25 May, Sunday,
ESG 1 auditorium, Panaji, 6.30 pm
1. Celebrating 19th Foundation Day of the GZA
2. All Goa Duet Dance competition
3. Social Goodness Award
4. A Tribute to Golden Years of Music
RSVP: 9892345657
International Mother Language Day
Join us for the Goa Intercollegiate Debate Contest on 6 March 2025 at 11:30 AM at Dhempe College of Arts and Science Auditorium, Miramar. Celebrating International Mother Language Day, this exciting intellectual event is co-hosted by Ganga Zuari Academy and Dhempe College. Entry is FREE! Don’t miss th chance to witness the crowning of th Champion of the Champions. RSVP: 9765260820

Your Generosity, Their Brighter Tomorrow, Today

Join Hands, Build Hope, Inspire Change

Unlock Opportunities: Join, Connect, Achieve Together.
Who we are
The Ganga Zuari Academy is a non-profit cultural organization.It aims to encourage social harmony through inclusive cultural growth.A host of intellectuals that include scientists, academicians, company managing directors, writers, dancers, art directors, teachers, and top civil servants have formed this Academy (Registration No. 320/GOA/2007, PAN card No AABAG1117).The then Governor of Goa Shri S.C. Jamir formally launched this Academy on 24 May 2007.The Academy has General Council (i.e., General Body) and 9 member Governing Presidium (i.e., Executive Committee).
Why join us?
- To bring about awareness among the masses for creation of healthy innovative minds to encourage, develop, and sustain socially meaningful film, fine and performing arts
- To strengthen the cultural bonds between Goa and Bengal, and promote conservation of socio-cultural heritage across the Nation.
Why we are?
In our increasingly polarised world, developing an appreciation for diversity assists people in growing into empathetic and unprejudiced beings. Embracing inclusivity can help individuals develop better social skills and be more accepting of differences. Art and culture are crucial in promoting social understanding and sustainable development. Hence, at Ganga Zuari Academy, we strive to use the power of research, literature, language, philosophy, fine and performing arts, film, heritage, festivals, etc, to foster social inclusion, enhance tolerance, raise awareness and promote creativity in India and abroad.


16th Foundation Day function of Ganga Zuari Academy

Bimal Roy Film Festival


Phagun Utsav (12 March 2017)

Mrig Trishna

Literature, Language, and Philosophy

Performing Arts

Fine Arts & Festivals
If you’re looking for some excellent blogs, Ganga Zuari blogs are a great option. With a wide range of topics covered, there’s something for everyone. The writing is top-notch, and you’re sure to find something that interests you. I highly recommend checking out Ganga Zuari blogs!

Shradha Navelkar
I am Himadri Sekhar Datta, retired as GM, ONGCLtd, ex Presidencian, Bengalee. I am interested to this blog site, where, I want to share my articles etc ( I write since last 13 years, have 12 books so far punlished with very good numbers of readers). If you accept my application or request, kindly let me know. Any financial implication may also kindly be communicated. Regards.

Dear Mr. Dutta, Welcome to this blog. It’s nice that you liked it. We will be delighted to have you as an active participation in contributor of articles and in other activities. Do call 77580 71790. Thanks & Regards. Amitabh Moitro (Editor)

Amitabh Moitro
A wonderful institution that got built up so well with the deep support of a dedicated team of probashi bengalee. It’s truly amazing to experience that the institution made good attempts to retain it’s firm grip on the root organising various cultural a activities. It’s a unique endeavour to improve outreach and conglomerate more member that may strengthen the institution further. I have the pleasure to get myself associated with the esteemed institution for a short while. Wish more good happenings in near future.

Saha Chandan
GZA website has a wonderful blog section which I follow and contribute as well. Saddened to find some regular writers like Basudeb Gupta and Kuntala Bhattacharyya have stopped to contribute. In the recent issues a wonderful series placing science against its historical perspective by Mr. Amitabha Moitra and Mr. Madhab K. Paul is being published. Mr. Arunava Roy and Gautam Bharaiwala are also writing remarkable articles. A few more contributions in English would be better. I think Dr. Rajiv Nigam may be nudged to key in his work on marine archaeology in a few short popular essays. However, most of these efforts are dwelling in silence. There are very few comments on the wonderful blogs.

Srijit Chaudhuri
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