Title: “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Why So Judgmental”

“If every girl looks in the mirror in the morning, slaps her face and says, I am perfectly happy with way I look”, the entire fashion industry will collapse
In a world obsessed with social media and seemingly flawless celebrities, it’s no wonder that our youth are getting tangled up in the sticky web of body image issues. Let’s take a dive into the world of societal standards, media madness, and how to break free into a realm of body positivity that’s more liberating than an escape room (and certainly less claustrophobic).

The ‘Perfect’ Body: An Elusive Unicorn
Society’s idea of the “perfect” body often seems as mythical as a unicorn in a tutu. The media portrays airbrushed images of models who look like they’ve never even heard of pizza. But here’s the scoop: Real people have curves, bumps, and imperfections. So, why are we trying to fit into a one-size-fits-nobody mold? “Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. You never know who would love the person you hide”

Airbrushed vs. Reality: Spot the Difference
Have you ever tried to recreate a celebrity’s makeup look from a magazine and ended up looking like a deranged panda? Join the club! Let’s face it; those airbrushed faces and chiseled abs are Photoshop’s handiwork, not reality. “Think of the moments when you were in your elements. It was when you were speaking with convictions. You did not care what was your dress, hairstyle or what shoes you wore”.Trying to look like a digital masterpiece is like trying to become a unicorn. You might as well save money on makeup and invest in a horn instead.

The Media’s Dubious Role
They say that if social media was present during Mozart’s times, his symphonies would never have come
Sure, magazines and advertisements make us want to buy stuff we don’t need, but they also make us want to be someone we’re not. It’s time to stop believing that every wrinkle and stretch mark needs to be erased. If you’re a tiger, those stripes are your badge of honor, not something to be hidden away.

Embrace Your Body, Flaws and All
Body positivity is like a warm, fluffy blanket you can wrap around yourself. Love handles? More like ‘love’ handles! Stretch marks? Those are your body’s unique artwork. “You look best when you don’t care how you look. Your confidence, your spontaneity, your convictions beat any face cream or hairstyle” Embrace your quirks, and remember, you’re an original masterpiece, not a knockoff of someone else’s artwork.

Laughter is the Best Body Positivity Hack
Here’s the secret weapon against the body image blues: laughter! The more you laugh at your own insecurities, the less power they have over you. Imagine looking in the mirror and saying, “Well, aren’t you a masterpiece of quirks and craziness?” Suddenly, that unicorn tutu doesn’t seem so appealing.

Take Back Your Self-Worth
In a world where filters and Photoshop reign supreme, taking back your self-worth is a rebellious act. Make it your mission to be your own kind of beautiful. Beauty is about confidence, kindness, and your unique, quirky self.

So, the next time you look in the mirror, remember that you’re not supposed to be someone else’s idea of ‘perfect.’ You’re meant to be your fabulous, imperfect, and utterly lovable self. And trust me, that’s way more exciting than trying to become a unicorn


About the Author :

Noel Fernandez is a student of Goa College Art specialising in Mural. He did his schooling in Savordem. He plays guitar and violin as a hobby. He also works in tiatre as an actor.